Terms & Conditions
General Terms and Conditions CHIO Aachen CAMPUS
Aachen-Laurensberger Rennverein e.V. (ALRV)
Albert-Servais-Allee 50, 52070 Aachen / P.O. Box 50 01 01, 52085 Aachen, Germany
Office - T: 0241-9171-0, F: 0241-9171-199, E: campus@chioaachen.de, www.chioaachencampus.de
Registered office of the association: Aachen, register of associations Aachen VR-Nr. 1234
With the CHIO Aachen CAMPUS ("CAMPUS"), the ALRV promotes the equestrian sport in its entirety. The CAMPUS is not only dedicated to top-class sport, but also to digital developments and innovations in order to support training, youth development and mass and amateur sport.
1. Scope
(1) These CAMPUS General Terms and Conditions ("CAMPUS GTC") apply to the legal relationship established by the purchase of participation authorisations and/or other access cards (collectively "Ticket" or "Tickets") at www.chioaachencampus.de ("CAMPUS Online Shop") or https://tickets.chioaachen.de/shops111 ("CAMPUS Ticket Shop") - collectively "CAMPUS Shop" - for the use of or participation in training, experience or other services ("CAMPUS Offers"), inter alia on the grounds around Albert-Servais-Allee 50 in 52070 Aachen ("Tournament Site"), and/or by "CAMPUS Value Vouchers" within the meaning of Section 5 between the ALRV and the respective purchaser, service recipient or participant ("Customer"). The Customer is aware that during his stay on the Tournament Site the Tournament Site Rules posted there apply (available at: https://chioaachencampus.de/common/info/turnierplatzordnung.html). By entering the Tournament Site, each Ticket holder recognises the Tournament Site Rules and accepts them as binding. The Tournament Site Rules apply regardless of the validity of these CAMPUS GTC.
(2) The Customer is a consumer insofar as the purpose of the legal relationship established on the basis of these CAMPUS GTCs cannot be predominantly attributed to his commercial or self-employed professional activity. A trader, on the other hand, is any natural or legal person or partnership with legal capacity that is acting in the exercise of its commercial or independent professional activity when concluding the legal relationship.
2 Ordering and Conclusion of Contract via the CAMPUS Shop
(1) Tickets for CAMPUS Offers or CAMPUS Value Vouchers can only be purchased from the ALRV via the CAMPUS Shop at www.chioaachencampus.de or https://tickets.chioaachen.de/shops111 using the order or registration process communicated in each case. In case of ordering Tickets or CAMPUS Value Vouchers online via the CAMPUS Shop, a personal password will be issued upon registration of the Customer. The Customer is responsible for ensuring that no unauthorised third parties gain knowledge of their password. The Customer is liable for all unauthorised use by third parties in this context, unless the Customer is not responsible for the misuse.
(2) The presentation and advertising of CAMPUS Offers or CAMPUS Value Vouchers in the CAMPUS Shop does not constitute a legally binding offer by ALRV. Rather, it is an invitation to order or book (so-called invitatio ad offerendum) by the customer.
(3) In the event of ordering a Ticket for a CAMPUS Offer or a CAMPUS Value Voucher online in the CAMPUS Shop, the Customer submits a binding offer to conclude a contract with the ALRV using the online command provided for this purpose. The latter confirms receipt of the offer to the Customer. This confirmation does not constitute acceptance, but is subject to the availability of the Tickets ordered and the consideration of special circumstances (e.g. health or safety aspects). The contract for the respective CAMPUS Offer or the CAMPUS Value Voucher is only concluded between the ALRV and the Customer on the basis of these CAMPUS GTC once the Tickets or the CAMPUS Value Voucher have been sent (if applicable electronically) (or another express declaration of acceptance by the ALRV). Incidentally, a contract is concluded at the latest when the Customer's offer is implicitly accepted, e.g. by the provision of the ordered or booked service.
(4) Should a CAMPUS Offer or a CAMPUS Value Voucher that the Customer intends to order or book be unavailable (or no longer be available) (e.g. due to overbooking) the ALRV may, at its own discretion and as a gesture of goodwill, provide a waiting list for interested parties. In such a case, the Customer will receive a confirmation of their position on the waiting list via e-mail. A contract is only concluded when the ALRV expressly confirms the Customer's participation in text form.
(5) The ALRV reserves the right to limit the maximum number of Tickets available for sale as part of a CAMPUS Offer, as well as the number of available Tickets for individual Customers for a CAMPUS Offer or CAMPUS Value Vouchers. These limits are set at the discretion of the ALRV during the ordering process.
(6) The purchase, order or booking of CAMPUS Offers or CAMPUS Value Vouchers is only possible for Customers who are fully legally competent and have reached the age of 18. The use of CAMPUS Offers is generally also possible for minors or persons who are not fully legally competent, but may be subject to age restrictions, which will be indicated in the CAMPUS Shop in connection with the respective CAMPUS Offer. It is imperative to note that the order or booking of CAMPUS Offers intended for use by minors or persons lacking full legal competence must be executed by their respective legal representative(s).
3. Subject Matter of CAMPUS Offers
(1) The subject matter and scope of services of the respective CAMPUS Offer is based on the description of the components by ALRV ("Service Description") valid at the time of the order - available at www.chioaachencampus.de (subject matter and scope of services may vary depending on the CAMPUS Offer). Photographs and illustrations used in the Service Description are examples and serve as a general description. The photos and/or illustrations of e.g. activities, situations, persons, horses, locations, etc. are non-binding and may differ with regard to the actual realisation of the respective CAMPUS Offer.
(2) In the absence of an explicit stipulation to the contrary in the Service Description of the respective CAMPUS Offer, the provision of equipment is not included. The financial responsibility for these costs therefore lies with the Customer or participant.
(3) The information provided in the service description regarding the duration and programme of the respective CAMPUS Offer is intended to serve as a reference only and is not binding. The respective CAMPUS Offer may be conducted in groups, along with other customers and participants, as outlined in the service description. Waiting times for participation in the respective CAMPUS Offer cannot be eliminated. Any alterations to the service or offer components specified in the Service Description post-contractual agreement are subject to the provisions outlined in Section 10.
(4) The ALRV may engage the services of a third party to facilitate the delivery of individual components or the full scope of a CAMPUS Offer. Unless expressly stated otherwise by the ALRV,
a) the CAMPUS Offer does not include any necessary travel to or from the respective venue or accommodation for the participant.; and
b) the ALRV does not operate as a travel organiser within the meaning of § 651a BGB (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch - German Civil Code) regarding to the CAMPUS Offers.
(5) The ALRV does not want to grant participation in a CAMPUS Offer in accordance with the Service Description to everyone, but rather exclusively to those participants who have purchased Tickets as a Customer of the ALRV or within the scope of a permissible transfer in accordance with Section 9 (1) and who fulfil any other applicable participation requirements in accordance with Section 11, if applicable. The ALRV thus only grants a right to participate ("Right to Participate") to Customers who can be identified by individualisation features (e.g. name, bar/QR code and/or booking number etc.) printed on the Ticket (or, if applicable, specified in the express declaration of acceptance) or to secondary purchasers who have purchased Tickets in accordance with Section 9 (1) and who fulfil any additional participation requirements in accordance with Section 11. As proof of identity, the customer must carry an official document suitable for identification (e.g. identity card) with him/her when participating in a CAMPUS Offer and present it on request. In the event of a Ticket purchase as part of an unauthorised transfer in accordance with Section 9 (2), there is no right to participate. The ALRV reserves the right to refuse admission in such circumstances. Recourse claims against the ALRV are excluded in such a case.
4. Digital Products
(1) CAMPUS Offers may also be offered as digital content (e.g. digital courses) or digital services (e.g. video streaming) (collectively "Digital Products"). The general provisions of these CAMPUS GTC apply to CAMPUS Offers that constitute Digital Products, unless otherwise expressly stipulated in this section or below with reference to Digital Products.
(2) Digital Products are subject to regular copyright protection, meaning that Customers do not automatically acquire ownership of these products upon the conclusion of the contractual agreement. The customers are granted a simple and non-transferable right to utilise the Digital Products for personal use exclusively, in accordance with the provisions outlined by copyright law for each individual case.
(3) The Customer is prohibited from transferring, publishing, licensing, selling or otherwise commercially exploiting the Digital Products to third parties, whether for payment or free of charge, and/or modifying, adapting, translating, creating derivative works from, decompiling, reverse engineering or disassembling the Digital Products, unless ALRV has expressly authorised this in writing.
(4) The ALRV reserves the right to extend, change and/or improve the functions of the digital products offered and, where applicable, already purchased at any time, provided this is reasonable for the customer, taking into account the interests of the ALRV. If the changes affect the customer, the Customer shall be informed accordingly in text form (e-mail or via a communication channel in connection with the corresponding digital product).
(5) The ALRV shall provide the Customer with new programme versions at its own discretion during the provision period of the Digital Products communicated during the ordering process (generally until the completion of a respective digital programme, at the longest within a period of up to two (2) years after the purchase of the corresponding Digital Product), insofar as the Customer purchases the Digital Product beyond this period and this is necessary to maintain the contractual quality of the Digital Products. In such cases, ALRV shall inform the Customer of this in text form (email or via communication channels associated with the corresponding digital product). This may involve updates with technical modifications, improvements, minor functional enhancements and patches with corrections to the digital products or other workarounds for possible faults. It is the Customer's responsibility to install or apply the new programme versions without delay.
(6) ALRV is unable to guarantee that the use of the Digital Products will meet the Customer's needs and requirements or rather that the Digital Products will be uninterruptedly functional, up-to-date or error-free or compatible with the customer's operating systems.
(7) Furthermore, the ALRV provides no assurance regarding the functionality of the digital products, nor does it guarantee that they are virus-free or free from other potentially damaging elements. The utilisation of these digital products is undertaken at one's own risk. Specifically, the responsibility for any loss of data or damage to the operating system of the end device is exclusively that of the customer.
5. CAMPUS Value Vouchers
(1) CAMPUS vouchers can be purchased in the amount specified during the order process in accordance with Section 2 and can be redeemed for all CAMPUS Offers available in the CAMPUS Online Shop (www.shop.chioaachencampus.de) in accordance with the provisions of the ALRV. Vouchers cannot be redeemed for the purchase of Tickets for CAMPUS Offers or events that are purchased in the CAMPUS Ticket Shop (https://tickets.chioaachen.de/shops111). The ALRV can make payments to the respective holder of a CAMPUS voucher with discharging effect. If a CAMPUS Value Voucher is redeemed for a CAMPUS Offer, these CAMPUS GTC apply to the respective CAMPUS Offer.
(2) Any residual value on the CAMPUS Value Voucher (even after any effective cancellation or return of a CAMPUS Offer paid for by a redeemed CAMPUS Value Voucher within the meaning of Section 6 or 7) remains for the term of the CAMPUS Value Voucher in accordance with this Section 5 (3) and can (only) be redeemed for further CAMPUS Offers within this term. Cash redemption of the CAMPUS Value Voucher and any residual value is excluded, as is the payment of interest on it during or after the term of the CAMPUS Value Voucher.
(3) The validity of the CAMPUS Value Voucher is subject to the statutory limitation period of three (3) years from the end of the year in which the respective CAMPUS Value Voucher was purchased from ALRV (cf. § 195, 199 BGB).
6 Prices and Terms of Payment
(1) The Ticket price for participation in the respective CAMPUS Offer or CAMPUS Value Voucher is determined by the ALRV price information that is valid at the time of the order - available at www.chioaachencampus.de (prices vary depending on the CAMPUS Offer or CAMPUS value voucher). In addition to the Ticket price, the ALRV may impose a surcharge on the customer for postage costs in the event of postal dispatch, or an appropriate service fee (e.g. an advance booking fee) for other services provided in the interests of the customer.
(2) Orders for Tickets for a CAMPUS Offer or CAMPUS Value Vouchers will only be processed against prepayment and with the accepted payment methods via the payment service provider Stripe, Inc. This enables payment via iDEAL, cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express), Apple Pay, Klarna Link, PayPal, among others. The Stripe payment service provider is located at 510 Townsend Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA. The respective payment service provider may refuse the desired payment method under certain circumstances.
(3) Should the payment not be successfully executed for reasons attributable to the Customer (e.g. insufficient credit card or account coverage, chargeback), the ALRV reserves the right to cancel the order or booking of CAMPUS Offers or CAMPUS Value Voucher without replacement. Any additional costs incurred must be reimbursed by the Customer. The ALRV also reserves the right to assert further claims for damages. Within the framework of the applicable data protection regulations, the ALRV is authorised to use the personal inventory, usage and billing data (e.g. the user's address) required to collect the claim in order to pursue its own claims.
7. Right of Withdrawal
(1) If the purchase of CAMPUS Offers or CAMPUS Value Vouchers is a (consumer) distance contract within the meaning of §§ 310 para. 3, 312c BGB, the Customer concerned has a right of cancellation.
Withdrawal policy (pursuant to Article 246a § 1 para. 2 sentence 2 EGBGB [Einführungsgesetz zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch – Introductory Act to the Civil Code], Annex 1)
Right of Withdrawal
You have the right to withdraw a (consumer) distance contract concluded via the CAMPUS Shop within fourteen (14) days without giving reasons, as outlined in §§ 310 para. 3, 312c BGB. The withdrawal period lasts for fourteen (14) days from the day on which you or a third party named by you, who is not the carrier, take possession of the goods. To exercise your right of withdrawal, you must inform us at the following address:
Aachen-Laurensberger Rennverein e.V. (ALRV),
P.O. Box 50 01 01, 52085 Aachen, Germany
Telephone: 0241-9171-0,
e-mail: campus@chioaachen.de
You can use the sample cancellation form available HERE, but this is not obligatory. In order to comply with the stipulated withdrawal period, it is sufficient to transmit a notification of intention to exercise the right of withdrawal prior to the expiration of the withdrawal period.
Consequences of the withdrawal
If you withdraw from the contract, we will refund all payments received from you, including delivery costs where applicable (except for the additional costs resulting from your choice of a different delivery method than the cheapest standard delivery offered by us), without delay and in any case no later than fourteen (14) days after the date on which we receive your notification of withdrawal from this contract. We will use the same means of payment for this repayment that you used for the original transaction, unless expressly agreed otherwise with you; under no circumstances will you be charged for this repayment.
End of the withdrawal policy
(2) In the context of a contract for the delivery of Digital Products or content that is not on a physical data carrier, the right of withdrawal shall also expire if ALRV has begun to execute the contract after the Customer has given their express consent and at the same time confirmed that they are aware that the right of withdrawal expires when ALRV begins to execute the contract.
(3) The right of withdrawal expires prematurely if the purchased CAMPUS Offer or the CAMPUS Value Voucher has been fully provided to the Customer and the execution of the corresponding service has only begun after the Customer has given their express consent and at the same time confirmed their knowledge that the right of withdrawal expires upon complete fulfilment of the contract by the ALRV. In such an event, should customers exercise their right of cancellation prior to the full fulfilment of the contract by the ALRV, they shall be obligated to provide compensation for the value of the services that have been rendered.
(4) With regard to CAMPUS Offers that involve a time-bound leisure activity (e.g. training sessions or training camps, tournaments, competitions etc.), the Customer has no right of cancellation in accordance with Section 312g para. No. 9 BGB. Every offer submitted by the Customer is therefore binding immediately after confirmation by the ALRV and obliges the customer to accept and pay for it.
8. Return of CAMPUS Offers or CAMPUS Value Vouchers
(1) In addition to the right of withdrawal as outlined in Section 7, Tickets for or CAMPUS Offers or CAMPUS Value Vouchers can only be returned or exchanged for a fee as a gesture of goodwill on the part of the ALRV; the Customer has no corresponding claim unless the ALRV expressly communicates otherwise during the ordering process
(2) If a Customer is unable to use their Ticket for personal reasons or is unable to take advantage of the CAMPUS Offer (e.g. illness), the Ticket for the respective CAMPUS Offer may exceptionally be passed on to a third party within the framework of the regulation under Section 9 (1).
(3) CAMPUS Value Vouchers may be transferred to third parties for private purposes and without the intention of making a profit. Section 9 (2) and (3) apply accordingly.
9. Transfer of CAMPUS Offers
(1) The transfer of Tickets for CAMPUS Offers is only permitted with prior consent and in accordance with the relevant requirements of the ALRV (in particular naming the new participant). For this purpose, the Customer must request the ALRV's consent and the corresponding specifications in text form (e.g. e-mail) in good time. A transfer will only be permitted in the designated individual case with the corresponding consent of the ALRV in text form (e.g. e-mail).
(2) The Customer is prohibited from offering CAMPUS Offers to the public, in particular on the Internet, or otherwise selling them at a price higher than the price paid or on a regular basis; the Customer may also not use CAMPUS Offers commercially or commercially, in particular for advertising purposes, as a prize or as part of an unauthorised hospitality or travel package, unless ALRV and the Customer have expressly agreed otherwise in writing.
(3) In the event of one or more violations of the provision in Section 9 (2), the ALRV shall be entitled to cancel the Ticket concerned for the respective CAMPUS Offer and to refuse the Customer participation in the respective CAMPUS Offer or access to the Tournament Site without compensation, or to expel him from the show grounds, and to exclude the Customer concerned from purchasing, ordering and booking Tickets for CAMPUS Offers for a reasonable period of time.
10. Reschedule/Discontinuation of CAMPUS Offers, insignificant Changes of Service
(1) The ALRV is entitled to cancel, postpone, reschedule or, if necessary, abandon CAMPUS Offers for good cause, in particular due to changes in the availability of the testimonials who may be participating in the context of a CAMPUS Offer, official or veterinary requirements or unfavourable weather conditions.
(2) If the start of a CAMPUS Offer is rescheduled to another time on the same day of the event, the Tickets ordered or booked shall remain valid. In such cases, the Customer has neither a right to a (pro rata) refund of the price paid nor a (partial) right of cancellation against the ALRV.
In the event of a CAMPUS Offer being rescheduled for a longer period of time (i.e. to another event day), the corresponding Tickets will remain valid and the Customer will have the option to revoke the contract. In order to revoke, the Customer must notify the ALRV in text form (by email is sufficient). Upon presentation of the Ticket or the corresponding declaration of acceptance by the ALRV for the respective CAMPUS Offer, the Customer concerned will, at the ALRV's discretion, either receive a refund of the price paid to (in the case of multi-day CAMPUS Offers, also pro rata if necessary) or a voucher to the value of the corresponding price for redemption in the CAMPUS Shop, unless the allocation of a voucher is unreasonable for the Customer. Service and dispatch fees already incurred will not be refunded.
(3) If a CAMPUS Offer is cancelled both ALRV and the affected Customer shall be entitled to revoke the contract for the purchase of the CAMPUS Offer in accordance with the conditions outlined in Section 10 (2).
(4) If a CAMPUS Offer is discontinued, there will be no (partial) refund of the price paid, nor does the Customer have a (partial) right of revocation of the concerned contract, unless the ALRV is responsible for the discontinuation.
(5) If the CAMPUS Offer is only slightly different from the original announcement (in particular, but not exclusively, if the announced trainer cancels, if the location is changed due to weather conditions, etc.), the Customer has neither a right to a (partial) refund of the price paid nor a (partial) right of withdrawal.
(6) The ALRV shall not be liable to the Customer or participant for futile expenses (e.g. costs for travelling or accommodation) in cases covered by Section 10 (2) to (5).
11. Eligibility Requirements
(1) Participation in a CAMPUS Offer may require a minimum level of personal eligibility (e.g. height, age, state of health, weight, athletic ability) ("Eligibility Requirements"). The Eligibility Requirements for the respective CAMPUS Offers are specified by the ALRV in the service description of the respective CAMPUS programme - available at www.chioaachencampus.de (Eligibility Requirements vary depending on the CAMPUS programme).
(2) For good cause, for instance due to externally prescribed protective or hygiene measures, the ALRV is authorised (and, if applicable, obliged) within the framework of data protection regulations to define special participation requirements for the participation of the customer or participant in a CAMPUS Offer and to enforce compliance with them. In particular, ALRV is authorised
a) to make certain requirements and/or proof a condition for Ticket purchase and/or participation in the respective CAMPUS Offer (e.g. proof of health status), and to have the participant provide proof of this as a prerequisite for participation immediately before participating in the respective CAMPUS Offer; or
b) to impose additional regulations, provisions and requirements on the purchase of tickets or participation in the respective CAMPUS Offer (e.g. distancing requirements). These will be communicated to customers in a timely manner and must be observed by all participants from the time of announcement.
(3) If the Customer or participant is unable to fulfil the Eligibility Requirements or special conditions of participation in accordance with Clause 11 (2) a) and b), the ALRV reserves the right to refuse the purchase of Tickets or participation in the respective CAMPS Offer. In such an instance, recourse claims against the ALRV are excluded.
(4) If the ALRV only announces Eligibility Requirements or special conditions of participation in accordance with Clause 11 (2) a) and b) after the Customer has purchased the corresponding Tickets, the Customer may withdraw from the contract. The consequences of withdrawal set out in Clause 10 (2) shall apply. There is no right of withdrawal if the Eligibility Requirements or the special admission conditions according to Clause 11 (2) a) and b) were already generally known when the Ticket was purchased, or expires at the latest when the Customer participates in the respective CAMPUS Offer.
12. Customer Obligations and Insurance
(1) The Customer or participant must comply with safety-related instructions and requirements of the ALRV (in particular the obligation to wear a helmet for all persons sitting on horses) as well as its staff or those responsible on site or within the framework of the respective CAMPUS Offer, in particular if the CAMPUS Offer includes physical or sporting activities. In the event of non-compliance, the ALRV is entitled to exclude the customer or participant from participation in the respective CAMPUS Offer.
(2) The Customer or participant assures that his state of health meets the respective conditions of participation and declares that he is physically able to train accordingly and that there are no health concerns insofar as participation in a CAMPUS Offer requires physical or sporting activities, in particular on the basis of the service description and the conditions of participation.
(3) During participation in the respective CAMPUS Offer, the Customer or participant agrees that in the event of physical impairment, injury and/or accident, medical (initial) treatment may be provided by ALRV or an authorised third party at the participant's expense.
(4) The Customer or participant must provide sufficient insurance cover for cases such as those described in Section 12 (3) and shall indemnify the ALRV against any claims relating to the costs of the aforementioned measures.
(5) While participating in the relevant CAMPUS Offer, the Customer or participant will comply with the FEI Code of Conduct in the interests of fairness and safety in relation to the horses. This places the welfare of the horses first and requires that they are treated with respect, care and consideration for their physical and mental health at all times. The legal consequences of any violation of these principles are governed section 12 (1).
13. Liability
(1) Participation in a CAMPUS Offer and entering the Tournament Site is at your own risk.
(2) Claims for damages by the Customer against the ALRV are excluded. Excluded from this are claims for damages by the Customer arising from injury to life, limb or health or from the breach of essential contractual obligations (cardinal obligations) as well as liability for other damages based on an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by ALRV, its legal representatives or vicarious agents. Essential contractual obligations are those whose fulfilment is necessary to achieve the objective of the contract. In the event of a breach of material contractual obligations, ALRV shall only be liable for foreseeable damage typical of the contract if this was caused by simple negligence, unless the Customer's claims for damages are based on injury to life, limb or health.
(3) Accidents or damage must be reported to the ALRV immediately.
14. Recordings of Participants
(1) The ALRV or third parties commissioned by the ALRV may independently of each other make image and sound recordings for public reporting in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f) DS-GVO, on which the Customer can be seen as a participant in the respective CAMPUS Offer. These image and sound recordings may be processed and used by the ALRV within the scope mentioned above and, in particular, may also be publicly reproduced on the ALRV's channels on the internet.
(2) If a Customer purchases Tickets not only for himself but also for other participants who are entitled to participate, the Customer is required to ensure that the information in this section is forwarded to the participant concerned. The provisions on the permissibility of forwarding Tickets in accordance with Section 9 remain unaffected.
(3) Further use of recordings of participants by the ALRV is generally based on separate consent. Further information on data protection can be found in section 15.
15. Data of the Customer
(1) Information on the collection, processing and use of personal data can be found in the privacy policy, available at www.chioaachencampus.de.
(2) The customer is obliged to inform ALRV immediately of any changes to their contact details during existing contractual obligations.
16. Instruction of the Security Staff
The instructions of the stewards, security personnel, police and other personnel authorised by the ALRV in front of and on the Tournament Site must be followed.
17. Recording of the Event
It is not permitted to make, reproduce, transmit or otherwise use or distribute sound, photo, film or video recordings or other descriptions of CAMPUS Offers for commercial use without the consent of the ALRV. The same applies to the support of other persons in such activities. Section 4 (3) remains unaffected with regard to digital products.
18. Place of Performance
Aachen is agreed as the place of performance and fulfilment.
19. Applicable Law and Place of Jurisdiction
(1) The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply to the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. For consumers who have their habitual residence in another country at the time of their order, the application of mandatory legal provisions of this country shall remain unaffected by the choice of law made.
(2) For Customers who are merchants and have their registered office in Germany at the time of the order, the exclusive place of jurisdiction shall be the registered office of ALRV in Aachen. Otherwise, the applicable statutory provisions shall apply to local and international jurisdiction.
20. German Version
In case these CAMPUS GTC are available in several languages, the German version shall prevail.
21. Equalisation
Insofar the masculine form is employed in the CAMPUS GTC, the term is to be interpreted as inclusive of female and diverse persons.
22. Effectiveness of the Clauses
In the event of the invalidity of a single clause of these CAMPUS GTC, the validity of the remaining clauses shall not be affected. In the event of a clause being partially invalid, the remaining parts of the clause shall not be affected, provided that the invalid part of the clause can be deleted without losing the meaning of the other part.
23. Changes
In the event of a change in the legal situation or jurisdiction, ALRV is also authorised to amend these CAMPUS GTC for existing contractual obligations with a notice period of four (4) weeks, or two (2) weeks in advance for good cause, provided this is reasonable for the customer. The Customer will be notified of the respective changes using the contact details last provided to ALRV. The changes shall be deemed to have been approved if the customer has not objected to the changes in writing, by email or via the medium set up by ALRV for this purpose within the respective period after receipt, provided that ALRV has expressly referred to this fictitious approval.
As of: January 2025